Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I've been feeling like shit for the past week or so. I ain't had no blow for 6 days now, not since Rico got arrested again. I talked to him, and his lawyer thinks they can get him off for a due process violation or something like that. I can't wait til he gets out, because I don't want to call my sister about it, cause I know she'll cut the hell out of it. I think Tiff has been keeping a stash to herself, because she ain't been saying nothing when I talk about scoring something.

Oh man, I just forgot something I wanted to tell you guys! I had to break up a fight at the dealership. This colored got an attitude with one of our salesmen. He wanted to test drive a car that was obviously out of his budget, and Adam kept trying to steer him towards other, cheaper cars. He was getting uppity like they all do, and started getting in Adam's face. Well, Adam don't take no shit from no one. He's the only guy in Sales that I respect. When I heard them arguing from the shop, I came out to see what was going on. Adam pushed him, and the colored pushed him back. I knew it was gonna get bad after that, so I ran over there with a wrench, and I grabbed Adam. I said to the guy, "Look blue gums, if you don't get the hell outta here now, I'm gonna get five guys from the shop to say that you came at him first.". Well, he's smarter than the rest of his bunch, cause he took off without another word. Now Adam owes me one. He's just lucky that it happened during the week, cause we get real busy on the weekends.

Thanks to all you people who have came here, except you ones that are being assholes. Y'all can go to hell. I'll talk to you later.

What kind of wrench? That Adam seems like a little pussy needing you to bail him out so quick. You should have let them fight. That would have been more entertaining.
This fits right in...
I think you'll love this link...
Click this ...

""> Cool Shit

damn, click
Hmmmm. Blogmad dropped me off here, lol.
Old enough to be your grandmother, methinks, so here's some grandmotherly advice, before a cop happens to read it, criminals can be so dumb. If Tiff dies this is the proof that it was pre-meditated murder on your part, so think I'll copy it and send it to the police in your town, just in case they need proof. About killing the dog, too.
You do what you want Old Lady. I aint never said what town I'm in. And I aint no criminal neither.
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