Friday, September 23, 2005

I bet those people in Texas are going to say the same thing that rapper did, and say that Rita is Bushes fault. They don't deserve houses if their too stupid to avoid a hurricane. I voted for Bush, and anyone who didnt is obviouslt a moron.

How do I put links and pictures on my blog? I've seen a lot of cool stuff on other blogs that I want to do, but I dont know how, and neither does Tiff. I'd really like your guys help, if anybody reads this. Thanks, I'll talk to you later.

If I lived on the coast of any ocean, and I had five days of warning that the big one was on the way......
I could have walked over a hundred miles inland. If I had a bicycle, I could have been 300 miles inland, and I'm 60 years old. If I had a hog......I would have been in Canada, and that's a nice place to ride out a hurricane. If I had a schoolbus.....I could have been at the north pole.

It is all a big social experiment, about who wants to live and who wants to be kept.
The USofA's government...(R's and D's both) keeps a lot of whores in the brothel of poverty.....workless poverty.....welfare and slavery.
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